Construction Updates
  • The demolition of the Lima Path building is scheduled to begin Oct. 11. Please avoid the area as much as possible. The area will eventually become additional patient/visitor parking.
  • Milling and paving of the Grand Boulevard Entrance (current High Street) will take place next week, but it will remain open throughout. Flaggers will help with traffic flow.
  • The paving of Lot 18 has been rescheduled to Oct. 22 -23, weather permitting.
  • The area outside the G-5 elevator is again open for pedestrian entry and exit as well as truck deliveries. Thank you for your patience and understanding during the closing.
  • You may notice an increase in noise and/or some slight shaking in the E and F buildings above the old materials management area where demolition is taking place. This will sporadic at most and will be over within the next 10 days.
  • There will be increased construction traffic in the 718 building drop off lot, so please be careful when you are in the area.
  • Demolition of the old patio area outside the cafeteria is underway. The area will be completely closed with no pedestrian access for the next few months.

Note: "Weather permitting" is a stipulation for all outdoor construction schedules.

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Construction Corner Newsletter

Issue No. 1
Issue No. 2
Issue No. 3
Issue No. 4
Issue No. 5
Issue No. 6
Issue No. 7
Issue No. 8
Issue No. 9