Other Services
Community Diabetes Center Overview

What is the Community Diabetes Center (CDC)?
The Community Diabetes Center, located at 2615 Fort Amanda Road, is a place where you can get information about living with diabetes. Working as an extension of your doctor's team, skilled professionals in diabetes education and management are available to help you manage diabetes.

What will happen at the Center?
When you are sent to the CDC, you will be seen by healthcare professionals who specialize in diabetes care. You will receive information about administering your medications and the importance of diet and exercise. This knowledge will help you control your blood sugar and make a big difference in your future health. Our staff will also teach patients particular skills for diabetes management, for example, self-glucose monitoring, insulin administration, nutrition therapy or a specific need.

Services available at the CDC include:

  • Survival Skill Track
  • Self Management Track
Survival Skill Track
This is a concise program that provides general information on diabetes and its management. For more information on the Survival Skill Track, click here.

Self-Management Track
In addition to general diabetes education, the staff, under the directives of your physician, will teach you about adjusting medication dosages to keep blood sugars at goal. For more information on the Self-Management Track, click here.

How do I get started?
First, contact your doctor, who will sign the necessary forms to get you started. Second, call to make an appointment with our team at (419) 225-7300.

Who pays for visits to the Community Diabetes Center?
Medicare/Medicaid or your insurance will be billed. You should be aware that health plans differ tremendously. Lab work, if completed, is an additional charge.

Community Diabetes Center

For More Information
(419) 225-7300
Map & Directions Map & Directions


Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.
-Source: American Diabetes Association


Did You Know:
•  In a room of 30 people, 2 individuals will have diabetes, 1 knows it, 1 doesn’t.
•  Type 2 diabetes can be prevented if found early.
•  In 2000 and thereafter, 1 out of 3 babies born will develop diabetes.
-Source: American Diabetes Association