Health Information
Call A Nurse Overview

St. Rita's Call A Nurse provides 24-hour health and wellness information, physician referrals and answers to your health questions. Call A Nurse provides registration for classes, screenings, support groups and much more. A friendly registered nurse is just a phone call away 365 days a year at (419) 226-9000 or (800) 437-4827. Our services are free and completely confidential. So no matter what your medical question or concern, St. Rita's Call A Nurse has an answer. Highly-skilled, registered nurses provide personalized, accurate answers to your health questions.
  • Callers can also access The Health Information Library containing general information on more than 1,500 health-related topics.
  • If you are looking for a physician, Call A Nurse can help you find one that fits your family's unique health needs.
Many calls describe symptoms of an illness. The nurse can provide information regarding home treatment and recommend follow up with your health care provider or an emergency visit as needed. The service provides peace of mind to those in need by making a caring medical professional just a phone call away, anytime, day or night.

For More Information (419) 226-9000
(800) 437-4827
Map & Directions Map & Directions