Women's Services
Lactation Consultants

Breastfeeding Education and Support
The decision to breastfeed your baby is another important choice parents must make as they prepare for the birth of their child. To help educate mothers-to-be, St. Rita's certified lactation consultants teach a breastfeeding class. This class focuses on the benefits of breastfeeding and prepares moms for this new physical and emotional experience. Mothers-to-be will gain a basic understanding of how to begin breastfeeding once their baby is born.

After baby's delivery, St. Rita's lactation consultants are on the mother/baby unit to answer or help new mothers get started as both the mother and baby get adjusted to breastfeeding. Additionally, all registered nurses, caring for new mothers are trained in breastfeeding support.

To continue supporting nursing mothers after your baby has been born, St. Rita's also offers a Breastfeeding Follow Up Support Group. A lactation consultant meets weekly with this group to answer questions and assist nursing mothers with their concerns. The group offers new mothers a chance to socialize, build relationships and share information. Mothers may also have their babies weighed during the weekly meetings.

Breastfeeding Class
This class is designed to help mothers-to-be learn the basics of breastfeeding while preparing them physically and emotionally for the benefits of breastfeeding. This two-hour class is taught by our certified lactation consultants. Evening and weekend classes are available.

For details about dates and times, and to register, please contact Call-A-Nurse at (419) 226-9000.

Breastfeeding Follow-Up Support Group
This support group for nursing mothers meets weekly with a certified lactation consultant to share information and build relationships. The lactation consultant is available to assist nursing mothers with breastfeeding problems and concerns. Infant weight checks are also available.

This group meets every Friday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the E2 A Conference Room. Valet parking is available at the St. Rita's Medical Center main entrance. No appointment is necessary and walk-ins are always welcome.

For More Information
(419) 226-9004
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Most Caucasian babies (though not all), are born with dark blue eyes. It can take weeks or months to reveal their true eye color. African-American, Asian and Hispanic babies are born with dark eyes that don’t change color significantly, however some get darker eyes as they approach six months of age.