Cancer Services
Pelvic Floor/Incontinence

What does the Pelvic Floor/Incontinence Clinic treat?
The Pelvic Floor/Incontinence Clinic provides successful treatment for bladder and bowel incontinence and pelvic pain due to weak pelvic floor muscles. The average person waits eight years before seeking care. You don't need to wait that long.

What can cause pelvic floor problems?
The pelvic floor muscles are a series of muscles that form a bridge across the opening of the pelvis. These muscle support and keep organs functioning correctly in the pelvis. The function of our bladder or bowel and the experience of pelvic pain may come from weak muscles, scar tissue, muscle spasms, disalignment of muscles or tissue failure.

What are the components of successful treatment?
There are five pieces to successful treatment of pelvic floor/incontinence:

  • Biofeedback: Through a computer screen you can observe the activity of your muscles to help you strengthen them during exercises.
  • Manual Therapy: This is a gentle hands-on technique that helps heal scar tissue and realign muscles.
  • Electrical Stimulation: The use of low level electrical impulses helps to strengthen and retrain muscles which control urinary and bowel function.
  • Exercise: You will be taught an individualized home program of exercises to help prevent future problems.
  • Education: Through educational materials you learn how to better care for your body and the functions of your bladder and bowel.
  • The Right Therapist: When coping with these sensitive problems you want someone who is specially trained to care for these problems.
Let St. Rita's put the pieces together for you.

For More Information
(419) 226-9019
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