Health Information Technician

A health information technician (also referred to as a medical records technician) performs many of the technical activities involved in a medical records department such as compiling, analyzing, coding, maintaining and retrieving patient medical records. Health information technicians are usually under the direct supervision of health information administrators. Job opportunities are broad to include careers in hospitals, government agencies, nursing homes, physician offices, etc. This career is an optimal one for an individual who is interested in combining interests in both healthcare and technology. Health information technologists are on the cutting edge of technology and contribute greatly to the quality of care delivered by verifying that the data entered into computer systems is accurate and complete.

Educational Requirements and Resources
In terms of education, this position requires an associate?s degree from an accredited health information program. After the education process is complete, individuals will want to become certified by passing an examination given by a nationally recognized organization such as the American Health Information Management Association. After certification, individuals are referred to as registered health information technicians (RHIT). Please visit the above listed website to learn more about careers in health information technology. Please use the links provided below to learn more about specific educational programs pertaining to this field.

Health Information Technician

For More Information
Job Line:
(419) 226-7020

(419) 226-9870


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