Dental Laboratory Technicians

A dental laboratory technician specializes in creating corrective devices and replacements for natural teeth such as artificial teeth, dentures, crowns, bridges, orthodontic devices, bridges, etc. Dental laboratory technicians work with specialized equipment and instruments along with a variety of metals/materials including silver, steel, gold, porcelain, wires, etc. Commercial dental laboratories that service several dentists at one time employ most technicians. However, technicians are also employed by private dental practices or by government agencies. This is a good career choice for individuals who are interested in both technology and dentistry.

Educational Requirements and Resources
In terms of education, this position requires a minimum of a high school diploma or GED. Individuals can be trained for this position through on-the-job apprenticeships, which usually lasts three to four years, or through a formal educational training program at an accredited community college or vocational school. Individuals can voluntarily become certified dental laboratory technicians by passing an examination given by the National Association of Dental Laboratories. To find additional information about pursuing a career as a dental laboratory technician, please visit the American Dental Association. Please use the links provided below to learn more about specific educational programs pertaining to this field.

Dental Laboratory Technicians

For More Information
Job Line:
(419) 226-7020

(419) 226-9870


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