The Heart Center at St. Rita's |
A holter monitor recording is a continuous Electrocardiogram (ECG) recording
of the heart rhythm for either 24 or 48 hours, depending on the physician's
order. For this monitoring, it may be necessary to shave your hair or abrade
the skin to optimize electrical conduction. You will have seven sticky patches
attached to you chest. A small recorder with seven wires is then attached to
these patches. This unit remains on you for the time period ordered, providing
a continuous recording of your heart rhythm.
- Do Not Shower or Bathe While Wearing the Recorder
- Keep a Diary of Any Symptoms and/or Activities During the Monitoring
- You will be Instructed on How to Remove the Monitor and Return
it After the Ordered Time Period
- Monitors Must be Returned Within Four Hours of Removal
When you bring back the unit, the recording medium inside the recorder is
inserted into a special computer to be interpreted. A qualified technician
scans the tape visually to allow for removal of any interference during the
transmission. A computerized document is then given to the physician to read
and interpret the results. A typed report will be sent to the ordering physician.
If you are having your test at St. Rita's main campus, on the day of the test,
you should register with Outpatient Registration on the first floor of the
Medical Center behind the Information Desk. Plan to arrive 20 minutes before
your scheduled appointment time. Following registration, you will be directed
to Cardiopulmonary Services on the second floor.
For More Information
(419) 226-9402
An appointment is required. To schedule your appointment, contact St. Rita’s Central Scheduling at (419) 226-9056, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
In addition to St. Rita’s main campus in Lima, holter monitors can also be applied at Delphos Ambulatory Care Center in Delphos or Putnam County Ambulatory Care Center in Ottawa.