St Rita’s Medical Center has been verified by The Committee on Trauma (COT) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) since January of 2001. This achievement recognizes the trauma center’s dedication to providing optimal care for injured patients. Based on the ACS recommendation, trauma centers are designated throughout the state of Ohio by the Ohio Department of Public Safety, Division of EMS. The location and type of trauma centers can be viewed at www.traumasystems.com. This is a voluntary program and centers can be verified as Level I, II, or III within the state of Ohio. There are currently 29 trauma centers within the State of Ohio verified by the ACS.
A Level II Center is defined as a center able to initiate definitive care for all injured patients. Key elements of a Level II Center include 24-hour immediate coverage by trauma surgeons, as well as coverage by the specialties of orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, radiology and critical care. The Level II trauma center is committed to being a leader within the region not only in the provision of patient care, but also, trauma prevention and continuing education of the trauma team members. The Trauma Center is dedicated to continued improvement in trauma care through a comprehensive quality assessment program.
For More Information
(419) 226-9150
St. Rita’s Medical Center is one of 29 centers in Ohio.