If you think someone has been poisoned call the National Poison
Center at
If the victim has collapsed or is not breathing call 911
If a poisoning occurs, remember to stay calm and have the following information
ready for the caller at the Poison Center:
- Child or Victim's Condition, Age and Weight
- Product Containers or Bottles
- Time Poisoning Occurred
- Your Name and Telephone Number
Important checklist for a poison-proof home:
- Keep all household poisons and medicines in their original, labeled, child-resistant
- Lock poisons and medicines out of the reach and sight of children
- Be as careful
with non-prescription medicines as you are with prescription medications.
Do not refer to medicines as “candy” as you take them in front
of children.
- Keep purses and diaper bags out of children's reach. Also be aware of visitors'
purses and suitcases.
- Never leave children alone with household products or medicines.
- Return household and chemical products to safe storage immediately after
- Know which plants in and around your home can be poisonous and keep them
away from children and pets.
- Take time to teach children about poisonous substances.
- Keep the number of your poison center on or near your telephone.
Source: American Association of Poison Control Centers, Inc.
For More Information
(800) 222-1222
www.aapcc.org for more information about poison prevention
Millions of people are unintentionally poisoned every year and children under the age of six are at greatest risk.
-Source: American Association of Poison Control Center, Inc.