The first ever Colorectal Cancer Summit for health professionals was held March 2 to help caregivers develop a plan to significantly decrease the colorectal cancer incidence and mortality in Allen County. Initiated by the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the Ohio Department of Health, the purpose of the Summit was to bring together the hospital systems, physicians (gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons and primary care providers), oncology nurses/staff, nonprofit organizations, occupational health staff, and other key leaders in the Allen County community to strategize and coordinate efforts in colorectal cancer awareness and screening. Participants also discussed the current local screening rates, current and future facility capacities, colorectal cancer survivorship and funding issues related to all of the above topics.
Dr. Marcus Cox, MD, a surgeon from Lima, addressed the new ACS screening guidelines, local community assessment findings and development needs. The ultimate goal of the Summit is to work with the community in meeting the year 2015 health objective: to increase colorectal cancer screening rates for adults aged 50 and older to 75%.
The Summit was held in conjunction with March being nationally recognized as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.
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